Andrew Howrigan
4 min readMar 24, 2021


How can daylight savings help you have your best year yet?

We have all been adjusting to the dreaded daylight savings time just over a week ago; some of us may be taking more time than others.

Are you still feeling the effects of the hour lost when we “sprung ahead?”

Were you able to make a seamless transition as if you never skipped a beat?

You may wonder how some people are always full of energy, everything they touch turns to gold and no life event seems to phase them?

There are a lot of factors that may play into it, maybe it is luck, maybe it is circumstance, but what I do know is that mindset and your approach to any situation, definitely plays a role.

With that said, I block out time on every Sunday to spend time with Family, do laundry, take time with myself and god to reflect on the week past, as well as plan and manifest what I am going to do in the week ahead.

Whether you believe in god or not, it is worthwhile to reflect on your life and be in touch with the higher power, the universe, or the law and order around you; whatever you believe in.

On the Sunday we lost an hour, I was processing how I could make the most of my time considering the hour we had all lost.

Now forgive me, this may stem from working in the finance industry, but if you have ever heard of “the 4% rule” you may be familiar with retirement planning.

In this case, the 4% rule is not referring to money, but an even more important resource; time.

One hour of your day is 4%. 1/24 hours, is 4% of your day. Some of you may have seen or heard this reference when a fitness instructor told you a 1 hour workout is only 4% of your day, or maybe your professor telling you 1 hour of reading or studying is only 4% of your day.

So with daylight savings we lose that 4%. If you are like me, you were wondering and trying to figure out how you could make up for that 4%.

Well to me, the answer is quite simple. If I was simply to be 4% MORE productive that day, I could make up for that lost hour.

How can you make up 4% in your day? How can you improve your order, efficiency or output in some area to achieve a 4% better, quicker, more efficient outcome?

I am sure if you really focused and put your mind to it, you could find a way to be 4% better and make up for that extra hour.

Well let’s not stop there! How is that going to help you have the best year of your life?

What if you lived this 4% rule every day, instead of just one? If you were to simply be 4% better every day going forward.

Lets say you did this every day for the next year, that is 1 hour more efficient every day, for 365 days.

That is 365 hours you just freed up over the course of your year. 365/24 is over 15 extra DAYS you just added to what you can accomplish in a year.

What would you do with over 2 weeks more time than your old self, than everyone else around you? Would you add a daily habit to your routine every day to improve your life in health, wealth, family or faith?

Would you take a vacation? Would you work and earn more for your family? Would you start another business? Would you coach a sports team and give back to your community? How would 365 extra hours impact your life and the impact you can have with your life?

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people, especially high performers, is how they wish they had more time, there are never enough hours for the day, they wish they could clone themselves, etc. Have you ever said or thought this?

This is where it gets more exciting. What if we took that concept one step further?

What if your 4% rule, was to be 4% better everyday on top of the 4% from the previous day?

Every day your 4% compounds on the 4% of the previous day. Your frame of reference is constantly improving what you base that 4% off of.

How much more time could this concept really allow you to buy back in your own life? How much more could you do or accomplish if you had all this extra time? How much more rich and fulfilled would you feel if you had all this time back?

I want you to think about that for a minute. Next time you are complaining about losing an hour of your day, know we are all in the same boat. We all have 24 hours in a day, sometimes maybe 23. But there is always something more you can do with those hours.

I hope you enjoyed this, if you know someone who needs to hear this, send them a message, call them, email them and let them know you care about them.

Let us all help each other become the best version of ourselves! Do better!

